Montreal artist Sir Louie has caught our attention for his latest project, titled Made To Love. A record like Made To Love truly stands out in today’s musical landscape for its vibrancy and eclectic sound. Louie packs each track with personality, while demonstrating a certain focus that shows he put attention and care into each element of these tracks. Moreover, Louie won’t be boxed into one sound and style on Made To Love, as he effortlessly transitions between hip-house, hip-house, electronic, and alternative R&B elements. His songwriting shines through on songs like “Optional” and “Positions”, which combine genre-bending creativity with infectious melodies that linger in the listener’s head long after the song is complete. “FLEX” finds Louie delivering fierce, sharp flows that captivate with their dynamics, paired with colourful instrumentation and a throbbing rhythm section. “Call Back” presents a refreshing way to close Made To Love, tying together its sound with a character-rich, memorable closer and a solid performance from Louie. Give this talented Montreal artist’s latest project a spin below now!